members of the supreme council of belarus перевод
- Депутаты Верховного Совета Белоруссии
- supreme council of belarus: Верховный Совет Республики БеларусьВерховный Совет Республики Беларусь
- members of the supreme council (kyrgyzstan): Депутаты Жогорку Кенеша
- members of the supreme council (transnistria): Депутаты Верховного Совета Приднестровской Молдавской Республики
- members of the storting перевод
- members of the sub-commission on the promotion and protection of human rights перевод
- members of the supreme assembly (tajikistan) перевод
- members of the supreme council (kyrgyzstan) перевод
- members of the supreme council (transnistria) перевод
- members of the supreme people's assembly перевод
- members of the supreme privy council перевод
- members of the supreme soviet of the byelorussian soviet socialist republic перевод
- members of the supreme soviet of the byelorussian ssr (1938–1946) перевод
- members of the supreme council (kyrgyzstan) перевод
- members of the supreme council (transnistria) перевод
- members of the supreme people's assembly перевод
- members of the supreme privy council перевод